Monday, December 15, 2008

Wangan Official New T-Shirt



arm side


Anonymous said...

Boss Waffy...Luv da new tee bro...Rugged hantap ;)
Well done guyz..


[eX] DRIFTerz said...

ada org ku dngar kontrol parut haha!! lawa badan model wangan atu..hehehe

Anonymous said...

control puting ah

Anonymous said...

Jauh beza nya eh parut ah dari dulu hehe


Wangan_427 said...

hahaha...sapa kan toh model nya tho...control2 jua laupun 6 pax ekeke..btw guyz..dun forget sukatan baju kamu bagi tempat monkey magic a.s.a.p coz utk dipakai utk new yr n next gathering hehe..for gents $16 and ladies $18...pic sample T-Shirt for Ladies will upload soon..

EZG2C said...

eh i like the model..ahhaha...nice shirt

Wangan_427 said...

no 7 - cong slim byk dah ku masa ne hahaha..paksa control yo ekeke..bah mau ko baju ne bro?f not aku buat kan lu utk mu sementara R35 mu otw jua ne hehehe...jgn mare...hehe...

EZG2C - thanx bro..bth nda jumpa ne bro hehe

Anonymous said...

R35? emmm liat lahhh, berakal hehe... bh buat kn lh satu hehe nanti balik cuti ku ambil

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gilo sexy ny phweewit!!! boleh share d mna kmu buat bju kmu?

WhiteRabbit said...

Steady kamu design baju club kamu, kudos!

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