Thursday, July 10, 2008

Story and Member of Wangan

askum to all street racers and all bro's wangan ...Let me introduce a bit about story of 'Wangan' and our members...

The story gets its roots from the actual street racing that occurs on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, one stretch of which is known as the "Wangan", literally meaning "bay side" (although it is generally used to refer to the freeway), the longest, straightest road in the entire country. Of course, there's also lots of traffic to contend with, including a fair number of heavy trucks. Because of this, the action is inherently hazardous, and wrecks are common. Blown engines are also a frequent hazard, especially with the extreme-high power engines.Thats kewl...hehe

So by this,we decided to take this symbol and name "Wangan" as our official team name.It is racing team which can drag and drift.Actually we love drifting,smoke the rubber and slide hehe..Now our team have 20 members including Turbo's and N/A's car with modification.Members are all bruneians.

List of Brunei 'Wangan' Member's car :-

1. S15 (Silvia) - 8 cars
2. S14 (Silvia) - 2 cars
3. RPS13 (180sx) - 2 cars
4. Sil80 (Silvia+180sx) - 1 car
5. Z33 (350z) - 1 car
5. SE3P (RX8) - 1 car
6. FD3S (RX7) - 1 car
7. CT9A (EVO7) - 1 car
8. Jazz (Honda) - 1 car
9. EK4 (Honda) - 1 car
10. EG4 (Honda) - 1 car


[eX] DRIFTerz said...

bnyak rupanya member wangan ani..hahaha ada blogspot, misti active ni hahaha lau ada apa2, aku mnediakn gmabar hahahaha...sentiasa on phone camera kamu yow... hehehe

[eX] DRIFTerz said...

wangan highway...arah dorg punya Aquaduct 2... masa baru buka, the crazy Smokey nagata did his first burnout d pavement yow...

Wangan also have straight higway..dlm tunnel lagi tu..labih kurang mcm tunnel brunei d kiulap ah..gnya panjang lagi yo...imagine kamu lau mblast krita kamu dlm tunnel..nyaman yow asteee... hahaha

i wish i life near Shuto highway, Wangan highway n Gunsai area (touge 2 yow..)

VeilsideZ said...

mun tunnelnya jauh...siuk mendangar bunyi exhaust tu eh...ahahaha ingat ku plang si dedet memblast rah tunnel ah.....bida tarus muka org tua driving di sebalahku hahah..jahat eh Dato K sorang atu...muhahahha

khilaf said...

i hop my car will b ready 4 dz sunday

Unknown said...

Aduh.....balum ada pic kemarin? heheheh

wangan_bds14 said...

waaaa...ruged yo wangan cruizd kmarin 2.bah siafa yg alum bebajunya atu bah buat ca! $25 kanya 2 ma bandira brunei..baru nya wangaaaaaaaaaan...........! to khilaf
congratez 4 da new release of black dragon version! lalalalalalalalalala

wangan_bds14 said...
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khilaf said...

to all wangan bro's... nice outing kemarin.. shud do it again nex week... dz time semua mesti ada.. rugged kemarin ahh respect ku 2 da car n the owner..

to wangan_bds14.. urs also will b out soon bro.. twin black dragon nee bro...*joget sampai pagi nee..* hahaha

Wangan_427 said...

ex-drifterz, nice info bro..lau ada info2 post ja k..hehehe..

Wangan_427 said...

yup bro..for new bro's wangan thanx for being wangandrift club and happening le kemarin...macam2 ada hehe..ibnukhilaf tekaling2 eh joget sampai pagi ekekeke

Wangan_427 said...

ibnukhilaf,jgnku dganggu aku perlu kosentrasi perlu cari ketenangan..hahahaha jgn mare hehehe.....

khilaf said...

haha iya saya perlu ketenagan dan konsentrasi.... hehehe

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